Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Getting To Know Georgette has successfully been migrated from AOL Journals to Blogger. I hope other GH fans find me and share with me their own opinions on her and her books.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


In a few days Getting To Know Georgette will be migrated to a new blog on Blogspot.  I'll post the link here and at my main journal Dusty Pages when I have it.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Monday, March 31, 2008

Turning in New Directions, Part Two - -

Continuing on from Part One and referring to Beauvallet, Hodge states that it sold 86,000 copies and helped cement Heyer as an author whose historical books would sell.

In her personal life, things were changing once again. Ronald's partnership in the gas, coke, and light company did not work out, and they actually lost money. They borrowed money from Mrs. Heyer's sisters, bought a sports shop in Horsham, and moved to Sussex. They repaid the loan with interest over the years. Boris left his job with Bovril, lived over the shop, and helped Ronald run it.

A few miles from Horsham they found a four-bedroomed house in Colegate in Lower Breeding. Hodge describes it as a "rambling, two-storyed, comfortable" house that in layout was very much like the one at 5 Ridgeway Place. Georgette continued to write, and Heinemann continued to reprint the old titles.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Oh Joy!

February 25, 2008 -- The day I completed my Georgette Heyer collection!!
Yes, yesterday the mail brought me the last title that I needed, the one to complete my collection. I now have at least one of each of her titles, all 55!! And I have more than one of most of them.
I think I'm going to cry!